Wednesday, February 20, 2013

And let the normalcy begin!

As of Monday, we are completely out of our old apartment, and completely moved in to the new apartment. There are still boxes and things pretty much everywhere, and definitely some sorting to do, but everything is inside the building. At the end of the month we should gain some extra space with one of our current roommates moving to his own place. It will be nice not to have boxes and chaos everywhere.

However, most of my work in terms of organizing our things and getting the place liveable is done. There are still I think 2 boxes that have things that will either need to be tossed or find homes, and there are a couple boxes of things that have no place (but that I want to keep) and of things to give away. If any one can think of an item of clothing that I have (or have had) that you wanted for whatever reason, I can almost guarantee it's in one of the donate piles. Let me know and I can send it to you.

Anyway, back to the subject at hand. Eating and exercise (you know, the whole "undoing college" business). Exercise I have been getting. Actually quite a lot of it, comparatively. I have been walking every day, including my days off. The grocery store is in walking distance, so I walk there (I may start biking instead, now that I have my bike from the old place), and I walk to and from the bus every work day. Otherwise with all the moving, I've certainly been getting my lifting in. I am sure eventually I will have to start doing more, but I am already noticing an improvement in my walking pace. I was concerned I was running late this morning, but when I checked the time about half way through my walk, I found that rather than running 5 or 6 minutes behind, it was only 3 minutes. Go me!

In terms of food, well I'm not really sure how it's been going. I'm going to say not really very well because honestly I haven't been trying very hard of late. At least not this week or last week at work, which is usually my grand downfall anyway. I'm going to try to improve. One thing that is nice is that I don't have to worry quite as much about how many calories I am theoretically eating because I do have a cushion now from the walking. I have never regularly eaten more than 1800 calories a day (except during the bulk of my weight gain... I blame free pizza) so my peak net is probably around 1700. If I switch out lunch for something lower on the caloric scale, it sinks even lower. With the walking it shouldn't be especially difficult for me to bring it down and keep it there. I will have to get back into logging (which I kind of hate, since it makes me hyper conscious of it and stresses me out a bit) at least for a little bit until I get into the groove of how much I can eat. But a week or 2 won't kill me. Go take a look at my myfitnesspal if my want progress like that.

I have not weighed myself in a very long time. Not since I was last at the gym. I'm kind of dreading it. So I will wait until I have been on the 1300 calories for at least a week straight (with a break day) and THEN I will weigh myself. I will report thereafter.

Well I had better get back to work! I shall think of some interesting thing to post that isn't just me rattling on soon!

Friday, February 8, 2013

New Place

Hey guys!

I'm so sorry for my long absence. I have been outrageously busy. Like really.

Here's the rundown of the past month:

- I have been kicking butt at work (for both necessity and also my tasks are a thousand times more interesting).
- We moved! (this includes deciding to, searching for places, applying for a place, waiting for a response and actually moving most of our stuff).
- I have NOT been very good about exercise
- I have been staring a job search in the face and have been unable to move it with just staring.
- I have been wistfully reading all the +Blogilates emails I receive but have been unable to find the time to do more than wish I had the time.
- I have been trying to eat low calorie and clean (though probably mostly failing).

So I've been super busy! "Crazy" is probably a good descriptor.

Anyway, the new place is in Walnut Creek, super close to downtown. Only bummer is that I absolutely had to change my work schedule because the BART lot fills outrageously early and I have to take the Free Ride at 7:30 in the morning. On the bright side, it's about a 10-15 minute walk to where the bus picks up, so I get 30 mins of walking in everyday, just from being. Huge thumbs up for that. Now I don't have to worry too much about getting the other exercise in, though I still really want to do it. When everything gets moved in and my finances resettle after lease-breaking and moving chaos, I'm going to look into when and where I can do some fun exercise. I sense outdoor blogilates and yoga classes in my future.

In terms of food, Walnut Creek has both a Trader Joes and a Whole Foods. I imagine I won't be going to the Whole Foods (*cough* whole paycheck *cough*) too often, but it will be useful for little things that I can't get at Safeway. Trader Joe's will be a new resource for frozen food and produce. Also delicious cheese (which yes, I still refuse to give up). I'm really excited to plan some new meals and get rolling on this whole eating clean thing.

With my new work schedule, roommates (who can make dinner instead of me) and the nearness of everything, I'm going to have a little bit of extra time in the evenings, which i can use for exercise and other recreational things. I can't wait for it. Unfortunately pretty much all my time is hung up until I get paid next week, all of the boxes are taken care of and the old apartment is cleaned and handed over. So *sigh* the 20th at least.

I will get back to blogging here soon. I just wanted to give you all an update on where I am and what's going on. I will have updates in 2 weeks probably!

Until then, good luck!