Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Debate Exercising Game

Normally I don't like to bring politics up on this blog, but they are a pretty big part of my life. I care a lot about the policy decisions being made in Washington, and I an very excited to vote this November. In that spirit, I have come up with the following.

The first Presidential debate is tonight (9 eastern, on every news channel and streaming on the internet). Unfortunately it coincides with what would normally be my dance class time. So, because I would like to watch the debate live, I can't go to dance. Bummer! It's alright though, I have a solution.I make it a game.

Imagine a drinking game and a TV show. Every time some specific meme or theme is mentioned in the show, you drink. This will be exactly like that, but with exercises. Here's the breakdown:

[This debate is limited to Domestic Policy, so all keywords etc are domestic policy related]

*Starred items indicate time override. If one of these things happens, whatever other exercise has to be stopped and replaced with this. Any additional exercises incurred during the starred exercise are ignored.

Key words - 10 jumping jacks per mention

  • Workers
  • Average american household/ family
  • Healthcare
  • Jobs (5 per, since it will come up a lot)
  • Taxes
  • Military (veterans included)
  • "Government spending spree" 
  • Massachusetts
  • seniors
  • young people
  • small businesses
  • entrepreneurs
  • private sector
  • millionaire
  • billionaire
  • Reagan
*Big Concepts - 25 lunges per invocation
  • The American Dream
  • Obamacare
  • Romneycare
  • Medicare
  • 47 percent
  • Math
  • Education
*Unexpected, but possible, Big things - jog in place during their discussion, the whole time
  • Women's issues (covers abortion, contraceptives, PP etc.)
  • Marriage equality
  • Citizens United
  • The 99% (or the 1%)
  • Climate change
  • Immigration
  • Net neutrality

Romney gaffe - 25 high knees
Obama gaffe - 60 count plank

Romney "zinger" - 60 count plank
Obama "zinger" - 25 high knees

Obama interrupts Romney - Run in a circle left
Romney interrupts Obama - Run in a circle right

*Enthusiastic cheers or boos from the audience - reaches for the duration

Statistics/ Numbers -
in the millions- 5 crunches
in the billions- 10 crunches
percentage - 10 lunges

5 Push ups if:
Either candidate addresses his opponent in the 3rd person
Compliments opponents personal life or family
ignores a question by addressing the audience
argues with the moderator

Obama says:
Let me be clear - 10 reaches
References Bain - 5 lunges
Blames Bush - 10 jumping jacks

Romney says:
Plan to create 12 million jobs - 12 crunches

*Anyone goes over time - plank from when their time ends until they actually stop

I have no idea how I'm going to log this, but I'm pretty stoked to try it out!

1 comment:

  1. I am dying laughing right now. This is amazing! I'm super impressed with how you've managed to make the debates SUPER INVIGORATING. Hope you had fun!
