Saturday, September 1, 2012

Counseling: Why didn't I do this sooner?

As everyone who's ever been to a good counselor knows, and as I have just learned, there really is no substitution for the amount of knowledge they have and their objective eyes on your situation.

If that wasn't enough to tell you that my meeting went well, I don't know what is. I won't go into terrible detail about the whole thing, but he picked some things out about my behaviors that I didn't even think were bad. And I don't even mean things like food.

He pointed out that I am terribly hard on myself. But it's very subtle (usually). I think that I "should do" such and such and that I'm "lazy" if I don't. When really its just that whatever it is isn't fun for me, so I don't want to do it, or that my body needs rest. It's not called being lazy when I sit on the couch and watch YouTube. It's resting.

He told me that the best way to make a routine sustainable and most importantly EASY, is to be doing things that I actually like to do for exercise. Things that I would do for fun. There is no "I should do this" only "I want to do this because I like doing it."

His system is a triangle, one focus at a time thing. The three areas are tracking, eating and moving. His process is to focus on one part of each of these at once, and build it into my regular routine. Since I already have the tracking pretty much down, and I at least have some sort of start (perhaps even an overdone start) on the eating, the issue is the moving. The final goal is to get half an hour to 60 minutes every day. But I'm obviously not going to start with that.

He gave me a worksheet for each week, to set a goal. Here's the run down, starting yesterday. So my weeks now start on Fridays, rather than Mondays.

What will I do: Dancing! - I'm supposed to do something I like to do, so that it's fun and I keep it up. I'm going to start with choreography on youtube. Does anyone know of any good ones? I'm not looking for dancing fitness videos, but actual dancing stuff that will teach you steps (SLOWLY).

Why- Because it's fun.

Days of the week: Friday, Sunday, Monday and one extra day sometime later in the week if I can

Time of day: Afternoon/ evening

How I will track: (midna07, if you'd like to friend me. Then you'll get all the juicy details of what I eat.)

Who will I share with: YOU. THIS BLOG. You are important and stuff. (Jon also gets special notification of course)

How I will celebrate: The usual way I have been. $10 into the pot.

I already managed to do it yesterday. It was pretty fun. I found some videos on Youtube, but I think I will mostly do different videos every time I do it, with a couple possible exceptions. There's certainly plenty there.

In conclusion, another note from the meeting. "Don't fight your body, your body will always win. We're going to work WITH your body to get where you want to be."

Next progress report will be on THURSDAY, not Monday. So check back then!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kiersten, this sounds great! This is all great advice for anyone (e.g. me). I agree that it's important to do something you like. I'm glad the counselor worked out for you. Also, if you find a dance youtube video that you love, can you post it?
