Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Let's get moving here

It was not my intention a month ago to fail completely to write here, but it seems that happened anyway! I apologize!

Regardless, after a full month of unemployment and infinite free time (plus the stress and self-guilting that goes on when you're busy trying to motivate yourself), there has been some progress.

Firstly, I have lost a little bit of weight. It comes and goes, but my average is a bit lower. Mostly, I have procrastinated horribly on getting myself moving. I tend to blame busy, but really I have no excuse at this point. I need to make a new, manageable goal for myself.

So, the idea is the following:
 I am going to either go on a walk or go to yoga every day that I do not have a big event. I don't have events very often, so I won't often have an excuse. Today I do, I am going to the baseball game this evening (go A's!), but tomorrow I won't, and so I will either have to go on a hike, walk into town or go to a yoga class. I have been intending to go to yoga for something like 3 weeks now, so I should really really do that. In fact, I will declare it right now: I will go to yoga tomorrow. At 4:30.

Beyond my failure to move, I have actually been eating fairly well for the most part, and financially, all is well! I'm vaguely surprised by this, but also not surprised. Eating well means making your own food which means less eating out. But in the end, the actual difference for me has been that I am having only one big meal a day, just like I did in High School. I'm eating dinner, and occasionally an actual lunch, but mostly I am snacking for the rest of the day (mostly on healthy things, but sometimes not). My snacks are usually small and I'm certainly not eating all day long. I have a snack about 4 times during the day and then dinner in the late evening. It works out in terms of my fooding, and I can, for the most part, eat whatever I want.

Otherwise, I am still looking for work. Specifically I am looking for a job doing community/content management for a gaming company, a tech company or a nonprofit. I am looking anywhere in the Bay or in the Sacramento/ Davis area. A good job for me would be in an open, fun casual office environment. I imagine the search for this job is going to last a while, so I am also open to anyone who may have connections for part time, fun work. In the Davis area would be best, and with regular hiring. There is a possibility that boyfriend and I will be moving to Davis at some point in the next several months for him to go to school.

In the mean time, I am working on my skills with Coursera courses (which all of you people should check out, they're free! coursera.org ) and reading.

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