Thursday, May 10, 2012

Weekly Challenges

I know I have promised photos over and over. The problem is that the apartment is never completely clean, so I can never take the pictures. Don't worry though, we're having a gathering on Friday for Jon's birthday. The place will be as sparkling as possible, so I will take pictures Thursday night or Friday pre-party. I will post them when I next post after that.

This post isn't just to tell you all that I fail at keeping things clean. This post is to write down my new initiative. 

So, I have achieved step one of my 3 step plan for happiness. I am happy at home. There are still a few things we need/ it would be nice to have, but they're extras and they can wait. Home is a good place to be, and at about the 3 week mark, it's starting to feel like home too. Slowly building that threshold that demons etc can't cross uninvited. It's nice to feel like I have one. Comforting, even. Anyway, supernatural musings aside, I have a happy home and now it is time to address step 2. Myself.

Now, this has never been a personality thing. I am happy with who I am and the way I behave and react to things for the most part. Sure there are a lot of things I don't necessarily handle very well, but a lot of that is my youth and something that must be learned over time. It's not something I can simply "fix" in the way that I can sort of fix the other things that bother me about myself. I have 2. Both are difficult, both I have battled previously, both are tenacious and need a serious putting-in-their-place. The first is my weight, which I have obviously addressed here before. The second is my acne, which I will discuss later down the road when we finally get to step 2b. Right now, step 2a. weight. 

I just had an idea for a plan of attack, and I hope I will be able to pull it off. 

Weekly challenges. 

Each week, I will give myself one weight-loss related challenge. The challenge will be something that carries throughout the week like: make your own, low-carb, high calorie lunches all week, or go swimming for 30 minutes each evening, or go to zumba class twice, or eat carb-free dinners. 

My task is to, at least to start, complete that challenge and only that challenge each week. If I start doubling up, I will fail both. So, one challenge at a time, if I do some of the other stuff too, great! But it shouldn't interfere with my challenge for the week. 

If I am successful, I should earn rewards. I think the only legitimate reward that will motivate me is going to be money, so, I'm going to move a certain amount of money (say, 10 bucks) each week I am successful into a "buy something for Kiersten" fund. Eventually I'll have enough to buy one of the big things I want. (an xbox, a kitty cat, a bigger tv etc etc). 

So that's the plan. I'll start next week. I think with lunches. 

1 comment:

  1. Your new plan sounds good! I think you'll succeed :) In fact, it's a good idea for any kind of goal, weight-related or not. Maybe I'll give it a try as well. I like the idea of a reward that doesn't involve necessarily spending extra money or splurging, but rather goes toward some larger, long-term goal.
