Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Beginning of Week 2

I've come to realize over the past week that there are some things about this diet and my corresponding stay-on-track plan that are fairly easy, and other parts that are a lot harder than I thought.

Eating on diet hasn't been that hard. Eating STRICTLY on diet has been. I manage to keep my meals within diet restrictions pretty easily, though I think I've widened the rules to South Beach Diet (allows for dairy) rather than sticking strictly to 4-hour-body. Sorry, I really can't give up cheese. But anyway, I do manage to stay away from most not-diet foods. Beverages are a different matter. I've had fruit juice, and some non-diet soda... and a whole lot of sweetened soy milk in coffee. So...not the most champion of records, but not too awful.

The problem arises when I get lazy, like I did this weekend. I ate out a bunch, or I didn't really eat. I did try to stick to diet when eating out, it's not too hard if you get a salad. I ordered delivery from an indian place, and that was on diet too. I did seriously cheat once and get a mint chocolate milkshake, but I was at Ghirardelli Square with friends, cut me some slack. I guess my worry is that by not eating and skipping meals, and then also by eating meals that are on-diet but not what I usually eat, that I'm somehow undermining the plan. Not really sure what to do, I'm not a very routine person. I've never had a real routine in my life. Every day is different. I think subconciously I feel trapped in routines, and so I constantly break myself out of them. I'm not a habitual person, so while that gives me no habits to break, I can't form them either.

That's probably part of why I haven't been writing here. It's a routine thing that I just can't stick to. The rest of the problem lies in me not thinking I have much to say on the subject. For example, that PAGG post I've been promising. I haven't started it. I haven't started it because it's all in the book. What I should be telling you is to go read the book if you're curious. It's all in there and I'll only be spouting exactly what it already says. Just know that there are 4 pills, I take 3 of them before every meal, and then switch one out for the remaining one at bedtime. I'm not very good at taking them at every meal, but I do get one dose in a day at least.

Despite all this, I did have some marginal success last week, in terms of losing some weight/ inches. Most would consider it healthy weight loss, and I'm not going to complain, but really it just makes it seem to me like I need to try a lot harder or else I'll get stuck. We'll see what happens this week. I'll try to be a bit better, have my cheat day be an out of the way large number of calories more (it wasn't this last week), do my best to stay away from sugar of any sort... We'll see how that goes, given that my period is this week, and it's here with a vengeance.


The Numbers

I weighed myself at the same time that I weighed myself last week, Sunday right after I woke up.

Weight: 183.4
Total Inches: 155.5

Thats down 3lbs and 2 inches (I think from my arms). Woo! Hopefully, it'll be the same or better this week.

At the very least, new post with new numbers on Monday.

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