Sunday, January 22, 2012

End of Week 2 Report

Wow, I'm actually updating on time! What a surprise!

This week was, to put it bluntly, full of fail. I was pretty bad about pretty much everything. I'm pretty bad at eating properly on the weekends to start, and last weekend was 3 days. So Monday was off. Tuesday was on track until evening when I totally jumped off the cliff and had a bunch of sugar because I was feeling really gross and needed some chocolaty comforts. Wednesday was better, I don't recall any specific problems, other than me skipping breakfast, which is bad. I did that Thursday too, and also ate a less then ideal lunch (chili, which is low carb... but I ate the tortilla I got with it). Friday was cheat day. I successfully went all out this week, and it hasn't quite been 48 hours yet so my body may not have stabilized and the numbers below may be a little off. I'll weigh myself again tomorrow night to check.

I have found a solution, though not a perfect one, for my breakfast issue. Jon and I both found that by the beginning of this week, we were pretty sick of eggs. The idea of eating them made us both rather just not eat breakfast at all. So we went to the grocery store Thursday night and bought a few things. For me, quick and easy in the morning: protein shakes. For him, a bunch of lettuce and some frozen meatballs, so he can have a meatball salad before he goes to work. While the protein shakes work great for getting protein in the morning, there is a slight problem. To my knowledge, they all have sugar. Does anyone know of a brand of premixed protein shake that is sugar free? I say premixed because I know about the powders, but if I have to do anything other then grab it out of the fridge and go, I won't do it consistently.

I will probably eventually become sick of protein shakes, but then I can always switch back to eggs in some form or another.

In terms of lunches, I think it may have to wait until I have my own kitchen to truly do. I have been recommended lentils and leftovers. Right now, Jon and I don't cook enough in the evenings to have leftovers, and given that neither of us particularly like to spend longer than we have to in the kitchen of this house, stewing lentils anytime while we are living here is unlikely.

I do have a few ideas for quick microwaveable lunches that I may try out when I am at the house in Novato this week. Reports on those next week.

For now...

The Numbers

I had worried that I would either be completely stable or have backtracked this week. Neither happened.

Weight: 182.2
TI: 154

That's down another pound (not much, but given that I weigh myself in the same condition at the same time every week, thats a real pound, not just water weight) and down an inch and a half, I'm pretty sure from my midsection. So yay. Week of fail, but still with a tiny bit of progress. This is probably going to take a while.

PS. Next weeks measurements and post will be delayed, because I am going up to Oregon next weekend to see my friends in Salem. :)


  1. Slow and steady wins the race! :D
    Also, hurray for coming to Salem! I promise to provide you with meals both delicious and healthy!
