Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 3

Well, it is now the end of day 3 of being on the diet.

I can't say I feel like I've made much progress. The scales tell me nothing useful (and mostly make me feel like I haven't done anything). BUT I am not yet discouraged. If on my measurement day on Sunday nothing has changed, then I will be a sad panda. But not yet.

I weighed myself last night and had a moment of extreme dismay when the numbers were higher rather than lower. I comforted myself by rationalizing in the following ways:

1) Completely different time of day
2) Recent food consumption
3) Time of the month is soon.

I realized that it was kind of silly of me to start a diet on my PMS week, given that most of the measurements I can make right now will be complete lies. I tried to plan and left that out. Oh well, best to work around it.

In terms of eating correctly, I've had a hard time getting breakfast in within an hour of waking, because it takes me 40 minutes to get to work and 20 minutes to get ready, and getting up earlier isn't really a thing. I got up a bit earlier today and ate food at home before travelling to work. I was less hungry all day because of it. Clearly being awake 10 minutes earlier to eat breakfast is critical.

I've had a sort of rough time keeping away from snacks and such at work (damn you, infinite supply of Goldfish!), and containing my sweet tooth at home. Luckily, eating breakfast earlier quells the actual hunger associated with snacking, and my super awesome boyfriend (who is the best) has decided to join me on the diet so that candy and such can be properly out of my reach. For emergency sweet tooths we do have fudgesicles on hand, which are okay in moderation.

My next challenge (as soon as I see some results) is to try to figure out a better way to do lunches. I can't pay for Chipotle forever.

I went to Whole Foods today (and drove on the terrifyingly steep hills of Noe Valley in my 12 year old stick shift) and investigated some of the stuff they have. They have some legume soups that run about 2.60 a piece. I could eat those, though I had a lentil one for dinner this evening and I didn't really like it. I think I'd hate it after a few days at work. So I need a solution. Keep in mind that I am bad at night-before prep if it takes longer than a minute and a half, and I tend to get sick of mostly greens salads. Chipotle works great because I can add variety while eating essentially the same thing (plus there's guacamole! and steak!). The only problem is the accumulating price. I'm probably fine for the rest of January, but I can't keep it up past then probably. Any ideas?

In terms of taking the supplements (which I have yet to write up, I apologize) I manage it twice a day. At lunch and before bed. I have forgotten before breakfast and before dinner each day. I'm not quite sure how to address this. I'm bad at taking pills.

Another pattern I have noticed is that right around 2:30p every day I get really drowsy and fatigued. I don't know if this is the diet or something else, but for now, I am simply making a note of it.

In other news, I have decided to move cheat day to Friday. It makes a bit more sense with my schedule.

Onwards! (Numbers on Sunday, PAGG at...some point soon)


  1. Lentils are delicious! I haven't seen what they have at Whole Foods with regards to that soup but I imagine that your minute and a half could be spent adding some spices or a tomato or some potato or some such to the soup to get different flavors and variety. I'd ask Walter for his thoughts on the matter as it's something he thinks about all the time.

    I was always told that people should eat like little kids and have lots of little meals throughout the day. It starts ones energy up at the beginning of the day and keeps a constant flow the whole day through. Perhaps it would be reasonable to assign a diet approved snack to have around that 2:30 hour. Apples have tons of energy in them for example (if fruit is allowed).

    Other than that keep at it. You're trying something new and your body needs time to respond. And you, you are awesome!


  2. I might suggest moving your weighing/measuring to a once-weekly ritual. Having it more frequently is just going to give you a lot of fluctuating results, and you will likely get discouraged faster when you don't see changes between weighings (no diet except maybe total starvation is going to make a noticeable difference in three days!)
    Patience, young grasshopper!!! You can do it!

    In regards to lunches, what about sometimes making a little extra at dinner and then taking it as super-tasty leftovers the next day? (assuming dinners are on the same healthy-scale as what you want to be eating at lunchtime) That might solve at least some of your lunches.

    Love you!

  3. The entire battle is learning to be consistent, and changing behavior is extremely difficult. Consistency was not the forte of the chaotically creative household. Wonderful for you to take this on.

    Can you spend some time on the weekend cutting up good snacks to easily take to work during the week? Your plastic carriers are also here at home (or a second set which is useful too!)

    And I need to join you. I start Tuesday.

    Cheering you on!
