Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Moving on Saturday

We signed the lease yesterday. We move on Saturday, a journey that will begin at my parent's house in Novato, stop by the current place in SF, and then end with me, Jon and my father moving all of the things out of the truck and into the apartment. I have never been so excited about something that's kind of a chore.

Seriously. I'm enthusiastic about packing up things. I want to start right now. I want to be home, with a box on the floor, emptying the bookshelf.

I have spent the week staring at DIY projects for wall decorations and other home-y things. I want to be able to do them RIGHT NOW. But I can't, because we haven't moved yet. I have a building enthusiasm for being home and making a home.

Unfortunately, the side effect of this is that it makes being at work nigh unbearably boring. I have nothing to do and I am not really of value (HECK, I'M BLOGGING) so... what's the point in me being here when I could be home doing cool things? I think this will only get worse... oh dear. Solutions for making a crappy job less crappy?

Pictures and such will be posted once we're settled (probably some time next week).

I absolutely can't wait to be moved in! Check out my pinterest (link above) to see the things I have planned.

1 comment:

  1. This is so exciting!!! I can't WAIT to come and visit you in your new home! :D
