Tuesday, July 31, 2012

And The Routine Breaks again

Wow. I am just not very good at this whole "routine" thing. Consider the ball dropped. But that doesn't mean I can't pick it back up again, I just need to go for a couple weeks with a different one.

As I'm sure you've inferred, last week was a failure. Not completely, I didn't totally revert and I did move. I didn't laze about completely. I did have a whole pint of ice cream in one sitting though. Sometimes a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.

What happened was that my old routine got completely turned upside-down because Jon was off of work for the second half of the week and he was therefore absent for several nights. We went out with friends Thursday (instead of me doing my walk) and then the weekend just collapsed on itself. But, I picked something else up that will suffice for the next 2 weeks, when the routine will inevitably change again.

I went up to my parent's house, and when I was there, my dad gave me a couple of resistance bands (because he has extras). He said that if I did 3 sets of 15 everyday I will become super strong. My arms are flabtastic, so that sounds awesome. Especially given how much I'm going to be in front of the television these next 2 weeks.

Now you're wondering why I'll be in front of the TV, given that I normally don't do television. It's true. I don't. I make a distinct exception for certain sporting events. One of those events (and my favorite of all of them by far) is the Olympics. I love the Olympics. If there was anything on my bucket list, it's to go attend them. If I were going to die in a week, I would find a way to get on a plane to London and get into those events. So, needless to say, while the Olympics are on, I live and breathe them.

So I spend a lot of my evenings watching primetime on NBC. Thats a lot of couch-potatoing... if I just sat on the couch. Now I have resistance bands and I can stand in front of the TV and do my reps while the Olympics are playing. I can also (though I have not yet) free step on Wii Fit while watching. I figure if I can do this for my usual six single servings worth, I will be golden until I have the time to get myself back out and walking. Remember I still need 2 weeks worth of money to go get new walking shoes anyway. This way no shoes required, no super effort required aside from getting up off the couch. And honestly at this point I think I can manage that :)

Food has been going ok. I haven't been especially fussy about it, though I am trying to be careful around things I know are suggary and nutrition lacking. Jon and I went to get burgers today for lunch, and I didn't eat my bun (though I did eat my sweet potato fries... yum). So. Continuing happily down that track. Doing my best to limit sugar 80 to 90 percent of the time (ice cream binges excepted of course). One of my biggest failures is midmorning snacking on goldfish. They're free at work so I have a hard time not munching on them when I get hungry around 10 am. Anybody have any good substitutes? Mostly the problem is that they're a lot of calories for not a lot of goodness, and they have some secret sugar involved. I'd like a snack I can just grab, is tasty and healthy. Pretzels spring to mind but I don't really like them all that much. Maybe I should buy some more of those multigrain crackers and bring those in and stick them on my desk. Or those veggie stick chips things? I can get those at costco. Thoughts people?

So lets see... Motivation. Well, I'm watching the Olympics and I'm really not sure what makes better motivation than watching a bunch of really fit people do really awesome things. Especially when most of those people are right around my age.

No rewards for last week, since I failed. But this week. This week I will succeed!

1 comment:

  1. How about trail mix? If you find a place with a bulk section you can mix your own with your preferred tasty treats, and nuts have protein, which helps with the hungries. Dried fruit is good too, especially the crunchy apples, I think ;) But I don't know how that rates on sugar levels. But dried fruit also has iron, which is always a plus!
