Exercise Status
So last week, as expected, went very strangely. I was basically constantly occupied from Thursday morning until Sunday evening, and thus any and all of my planned exercise was basically foregone. This doesn't mean that I didn't get my equivalent of 6 single servings though. I certainly did.
It began actually, on Monday. I oddly enough felt like moving a bit, so I did some stretches and a little bit of Yoga in the evening. Nothing intense, and it doesn't really factor in, but I did do it. On Tuesday I truly broke from the plan. I did 20 10-minute exercise routines, both Pilates. I'm trying all the different 10-minute videos until I find one I really like. So far I'm sort of neutral on most of them. The Pilates one is actually really difficult, and most of the moves the instructor does are classified as challenging. I couldn't do half of them in the second video. I gave it a valiant effort, but there was simply no way. Perhaps when I am more focused on maintaining weight, rather than losing, I will come back to those.
I didn't exercise officially for the rest of the week, but I did definitely get exercise out of the norm. We went to the San Francisco Zoo for my birthday on Saturday, which is basically the equivalent of walking 4 miles. It took 4 hours, so it was pretty slow walking, but walking it was. And that counts. So, technically speaking, I did my 6 servings of exercise (even if there was a whole lot of combining going on) and so I have succeeded in my goal. $40 total! One more week and then I can go shopping!
Motivation Status
This week, I'm actually feeling pretty motivated. Mostly because I did finally see some success, instead of infuriatingly rising numbers. I lost a pound and half an inch from my waist. So I'm pretty pleased on that front.
The Livestrong app has kept me focused, and even has given me some new sort of goals that will help with everything. Livestrong.com has, built into it's member area/ community stuff, something called Dares. You can sign up to "take" whatever dare. I have taken 3 dares. 1) Lose weight. 2) 21 days to a smaller waist. 3) Meditate.
Yep, meditate. I've been using some apps and timers. I like it, though I'm not yet very good at it. It's a more productive use of my time than the internet. I don't usually do it for very long (maybe 10-15 minutes) and I usually do it either right before or shortly before bed. I think if I did it every night I would sleep great all the time. I have discovered something rather unfortunate though. The cause of a lot of my neck and shoulder pain is the way I sleep and the crappiness of my pillow. So I need to get a new pillow that will support my neck better, though I also think that just getting another pillow to go with the one I have will help. I always sleep better when I can steal Jon's pillow.
Food Status
I've been using the Livestrong MyPlate apps (now both on my phone and my new tablet) to help me keep track of my calories. It doesn't mean my diet has really changed, but it has made me distinctly aware of how many calories things are, and so it has me being a little careful most days. I only went over one day since I started using it last week, and that was Friday when Jon took me out to Chili's. It has me being careful about serving sizes and concious of the cost of snacking when I'm not hungry. I used to constantly want to eat more than one Eating Right frozen lunch, since they're really light and low calorie for my typical meal. But now, I find myself not wanting to do that as much. Partly because I am less hungry, and partly because most days I've been really good about drinking my 64 ounces of water.
The calorie limit Livestrong has recommended for me to lose 1 lb a week is 1557 calories. Most days I come in under that, usually by about a hundred calories or so. I also record my exercise, and that removes calories eaten from the day, allowing me to eat a little more if I want. I don't usually re-eat these calories, but it does happen sometimes. There has been only one day where the number of calories I actually ate was seriously outclassed by the number of calories I burned, and that was my birthday. All the walking at the zoo consumed almost all of the calories I had eaten for the day. If there had been cake, I could have had some and remained in the calorie happy zone. Heck, I had fried chicken (Katsu) for dinner and I was still golden. Exercise 1, Food 0. Bwahaha.
This week will hopefully resemble 2 weeks ago, with exercise everyday in the later half of the week. The rule to win is 6 single servings worth of exercise. I need to keep that up for at least 2 more weeks to make it habitual.
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